
Science and Technology Futures' (STF) mission is to identify and support scientists, engineers, and other innovators with an interest in shaping the national/global research agenda.

STF is designed to address the following challenge and opportunity: a growing number of philanthropists are interested in supporting scientific research, but lack the in-house capacity to identify and select high-impact research projects. These philanthropists would be in a stronger position to support S&T-related projects and initiatives if they had the following information:

  • What is an area of scientific research that is under-funded relative to its promise?

  • What goals might an initiative in this area set?

  • What level of investment would be required?

  • How might a portfolio of research projects be selected and managed?

STF will address this need by:

  • Providing funding for scientists and engineers who are interested in developing research agendas and roadmaps

  • Supporting workshops and white paper competitions

  • Providing seed funding needed to validate and de-risk promising research directions

  • Providing the funding and infrastructure for someone who is overseeing a research program (e.g. issuing a solicitation, managing a selection process, managing post-award interactions with grantees), but is not affiliated with a particular foundation.